Monday, June 30, 2008
Logan's Last T-Ball Game
Kindergarten End of the Year program
What a busy month!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
More dance recital pictures
Mallory loves to pose for the camera and perform. She was having fun showing me all of her dance poses before we left for her recital.
Lyndie was in the audience with us and did really well there. The children's teachers were on stage doing the dance to the side for the kids to see and Lyndie was actually copying the teachers the best she could and was completely mezmerized by it all. TIP:(a bag of SKITTLES really helps to keep your children quiet!:))
This is Mallory's class performing on stage. They had one of the biggest classes. I think 12 girls ages 5 and 6. They did a great job and we are very proud of Mallory. I may post a video of it soon if I can get the time.
School Carnival
This was the little train that they had to ride in at the carnival.
This was a giant slide shaped like a shark and this was the shark's mouth.
Poor Lyndie! She was done after 10 minutes, but there was no way I was letting her out to walk. There were too many kids to lose her in. Logan had just come from T-Ball and was tired, but quickly got into the fun.
This picture is bad, but this is the little ferris wheel that was there to ride in. Mallory and Logan are on the left hand side sitting by each other.