Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Warning: Not for the faint of heart!

So, Saturday was Jeremy's birthday and so we went out on a date and got a babysitter. Right when we got home, the babysitter was noticeably panicked and said she had to show me something. Lyndie's head was covered in blood all down the back of her shirt. I was amazingly calm and went on auto-pilot. I took Lyndie upstairs to give her a bath and wash her hair so I could see just how bad the cut was. After I was done, I saw that it was still bleeding and knew that meant she needed to see a doctor. I ran her to the insta-care and they put a numbing gel on her head for 30 min. while she watched Toy Story 2 and then put 3 staples in her head. There is no dressing and we could wash her hair in 24 hours, so that has been nice. Lyndie didn't cry at all which I believe was maybe a state of shock and maybe her body was trying to protect her from the pain.

How did this happen you ask? Well, her loving brother Logan pushed her and she hit her head on the edge his bedroom door. Logan was totally freaked out that night and was crying and putting his PJ's on when we got home. Mallory cried hysterically for about 2 hours after it happened because she thought when she saw all the blood that Lyndie was dying.  So basically, all of the innocent bystanders were much more traumatized than Lyndie was by the whole thing. 

The irony to this night, was that on my birthday back in May, we couldn't go out because Lyndie was throwing up and now on Jeremy's birthday she had to go to the insta-care. I think we will stay home for our birthdays from now on.:)

Anyway her are the pictures of her staples right when we got home.


Cara said...

Ouch! How scary for everyone, even the babysitter. Funny how you go on auto-pilot isn't it? It makes it nice because then you aren't yelling at the one who caused the accident and you don't freak out the one who has been hurt. Must be one of the super powers that mom's have! I'm glad she's ok.

Blue Ribbon Family said...

WOW... I have never seen actual staples used in the medical field, but I have heard of it (I am not that far off). I am glad she is ok, but I am sorry that the kids went through all that stress because of it. That would be scary...
Hope all is well with you!